Combustion in grate furnaces - NOx limitation

The combustion of biomass in grate furnaces remains an important means of heat production in industry and in communities. In an increasingly strict regulatory context, reducing NOx emissions remains a challenge for science. This project aims to modify the design of boilers and optimize their operation. The numerical simulation of the furnace is the central tool used. Fuel-specific experiments at laboratory scale are required to provide model input data. A spoon furnace is used to characterise volatile matters and N species emissions during pyrolysis of a fuel.


PhD work of Thomas BERTUS
Reduction of NOx emissions from grate furnaces
Started on October 2021 - In progress
In collaboration with Compte-R companie, Arlanc, France

Four Cuillere ensemble
General view of the spoon furnace used.

Four Cuillère détail
Detail of the two crucibles as spoons to hold the sample (missing in this image).



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